Friday, 30 December 2011

John’s Blog 54 – Pensions New Year 2012

This is the time when we look forward to the New Year and our needs and aspirations for 2012; it is a positive time, one of new resolutions, but also a fairy tale time, when one looks at what could and should be.
It is one in which the powers that be, should reflect on what they do and plan, a Jacob Marley time; whether they be Politicians, High Executives, media or anyone that controls what we do.
Self interest should be put aside and the common good and interest of the population of the UK, established and followed. We need to regain internal strength and prosperity.
Pride in work and achievement is a major priority, we take for granted and complain about our basic services and requirements, until we lose them for an occasional day, the blame game dominates.
Public Sector services are a good and recent example, we should take pride in our Doctors, Nurses, Teachers, Police, Fire and all that back them up; also in our Postmen, Local Government and all the numerous charities who work to make life easier.
One of the despicable acts of our present Government is the attempt to divide by envy; the resurrection of the never had it so good mentality, when in fact they should concentrate on the never had it so bad majority.
These are the working population who pay high taxes for very poor returns and little credit and the new generation, who now have to pay to study and then are thrown on the scrap heap whether they qualify or not.
We are in difficult economic times and accept the economies that are needed, applaud the 20% cut in Public spending to balance the Budget, but do they have to be carried out in such a haphazard and ill thought out manner.
It is the easy way out cut services and labour, delay investment and scrap years of existing assets to save labour costs, whether they be fighter aircraft (snapped up by the Americans), schools and hospital buildings, libraries or social buildings, etc.
It is strange that the odd billion can be found to change course or meet a sudden popular demand in public opinion, stated as savings made in Departments, which was the whole object of making cuts, not to spend it again.
We need to assess our basic position,  priorities, aims and objectives, if we need to cut defence expenditure, are we really a world power and can we afford it. We need a little more self interest and let the rest of the world, including Europe, look after itself. Not isolation but preservation!
Should our poor be better off than those in work; do we need to travel faster and faster in high speed trains and cars or should our commuters travel in comfort, preserve our resources for our use, buy British where possible, create jobs for full employment and become more self- sufficient. The list is endless.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in out treatment and attitude to the elderly and retirement and in pension provision. The State takes NI contributions and spends it as part of taxation, without any thought to the future, it is even worse in the Public Services, where it is straight embezzlement.
They pay substantial contributions, which are steadily being increased to swell the Treasury coffers and spent on subsidising other pensions or the general budget for a very meagre return and treated as a charitable benefit. Not as a right as in the Private Sector schemes, which give three times the benefit.
Yet basic reform of all State pensions could give the savings required in the spending review, yield three to four times the final benefits, eliminate the need for present changes, and provide the money needed for the investment required for our infrastructure, future work and prosperity.
All it needs for 2012 is a little vision, good management and change of attitude, plus of course some hard work, which we are all prepared to do if given the opportunity.
Savings   Annuities       Public Sector   NHS       Teachers   Police   Local Government    Hutton   State Pensions

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