Friday, 15 February 2013

John’s Blog No. 115– Pensions – Comment

 The horse meat scandal leaves me bewildered, after going through BSE, the EU ban on all our meat, with our farmers having to track their meat through to consumer with identity chips and mounds of paperwork, we still do not know where our present food comes from and what is in it.
Roumania, Holland, France, Ireland, you name it; shut your eyes and stick a pin in the map, think of the filthy places, the possible lack of hygene and munch away at your beefburger, lasagne, sausage or whatever; enjoy!
The blame game has started, with anything to divert attention from the main cause, the lack of control over our food sources, investigate all horse traders, arrest minors whether guilty or not, etc.
Of course it is the fault of the Supermarkets and the processors but nothing to do with the fact that the EU Commissioners can’t enforce regulations, if they have them at all. We should have immediately enforced a ban on all European imports until they sort it out, but that is only a one way option, valid for our exports.
Meanwhile our farmers steadily go out of business or give up with livestock, as it is easier to let the land go wild and claim the associated grants. We have all gone mad, land is left to waste, good fish is thrown back into the sea and bureaucracy reigns supreme, but only where people care, the majority rest do as they like.
Another piece of idiocy, is the statement on school sports and exercise; after selling off all the school playing fields, closing the swimming pools or stopping them and other activities for health and safety reasons, we are now surprised at the growing obesity in children and schools are told they should do more.
All they have is hopscotch in the playground, with even skipping banned as unsafe; the adventurous ones improvise, many have nothing to do even that with and all lack the money to do anything. All the Olympic good intentions have disappeared and only the successful get the grants.
There was a lot of money made from the Olympics, which was very successful, some of it needs ploughing back to the schools, sports centres, communities and local facilities combined with the time and expertise of athletics, trainers and organisers to ensure it works.
 The hospital care scandal continues, which follows the use of non medical managers to organise care for people, but basically to save money, another target not met, they cannot even organise bulk buying or medical records, let alone understand the complexities of medical science.
Another area where expert knowledge is ignored is with the benefit payments to the disabled; the people who spend most time with them, like GP’s, consultants and care workers are replaced by DWP experts, whose mandate appears to be if breathing they can work.
This is now extending to the Disability Living Allowance, which is under the “expert” eye, these are in fact private Companies, paid by DWP, without apparent medical or social qualifications to send out forms, sift out replies and man call centres, whose main aim is to act as scrooge and be blamed when things go wrong.
There is a lot of money being spent on NHS, schools, benefits and the needy community, which is putting major strain on the economy and also taxpayers who foot the bill. We need to approach the problem logically, assess the needs and sort out priorities on what we can afford and eliminate waste.
Can we afford to be a major world power, if indeed we are, separate out internal economics from external overseas purchases and spend and achieve a neutral balance of paymnets, which is our real National debt.

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